Walking On Broken Glass

I heard this for the first time in a long long while this morning, and I had forgotton just how uplifting a song it is.
Reminds me of Nuala, Mike, Bev and the famous Sheffield Ledmill nightspot, where we used to take paraplegics from the spinal injury unit on a Thursday night! The young lads in their wheelchairs used to pretend to be tetraplegics rather than paraplegics ( for those that are interested paraplegics are paralysed from the waist down and are therefore more "able" than quadraplegics who have paralysis of all four limbs) By pretending to be more disabled, the patients were allowed to have a nurse/carer to go into the nightclub with them and therefore all the nurses could escape the long queue outside the club and get to the bar quicker!
It would never be allowed now, in the light of multiple risk assessments. God, in those days most of the nurses were pissed ( but to be fair usually responsible), the patients used to empty their urine bags into pint pots ( to be stolen by thieving students (tee hee))and no one ever came to too much harm...
The video is actually Romeo and Juliet with the lovely Claire Danes

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