The smaller world of Blogging

Now, I have repeatedly had the discussion with some of my friends, that why do I blog?
Many feel that it is slightly "odd" to put down your often private thoughts on line for everyone to see, others feel that it is a waste of time. Others perhaps "enjoy" the contact with me (especially those that I do not see very often), I guess there is no definitive answer to why I enjoy writing this rubbish. Some of me enjoys being "read" by a few people from all over the world, another reason IS the contact it gives me to friends living away. In the main,the whole ritual of putting words down on the blog is relaxing and therapeutic in itself, but yesterday a meeting with some local people who had read the blog was an interesting example of how the blog can open up more local contacts.

As I was filling up the duckling water baths, I spied a family in the graveyard. As many do, they stopped to look at the hens and ducks and I called them over and said that they were welcomed to have a closer look. As it turned out the family lived in Trelawnyd, and the husband Geoff had read my blog and was interested in keeping a couple of hens in the garden himself.Funny that although they lived only a stone's throw away, it took my blog to open up a meeting...

Anyhow Chris is back tonight, which is nice, I know the cottage has been lovely and neat without him, but the novelty wears off after a day or so. One of the Nolan sisters(pic the red rock above) has gone very broody, so I think I will try and hatch a few hens eggs underneath her. They will be my last chick brood this year

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