Colleen Nolan

Today started off wet and blustery, so the ducklings were confined to their
house and soon made a real stinky mess of the wood chippings covering the floor. Walter and Harold have been gang raping Nell and Maude to excess over the last few days, so have been dispatched to pastures new, giving the girls some respite from their attentions. Some female ducks have literally been killed by drakes exhibiting this behaviour, so I think this action is a wise move. I intend to keep seven or so females out of the duckling horde, then pick a couple of the best males from which to breed from. The males will be non blood related to the females, so the new ducklings will be not inbred.
The broody hen from out of The Nolan Sisters, is still sat firm on her eggs and has done so with a Blanche-like tenacity. She has not got a first name, so I have decided to called her Colleen, after the talented Loose Woman presenter.....
This afternoon I have planted more radish,rocket,lettuce,mange tout as well as more French beans. Escapee Mildred Pierce has decimated some of my salad crops, so all have been covered and re netted .
Chris has slept in for most of the day, suffering from jet lag. He came over to the allotment for a show round wearing my Canadian pressie....the incredibly huge cowboy hat.......very Brokeback Mountain

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