S.A.T.C.-The Movie

I kind of liked the big screen version of Sex and the City . Ok it was just like watching three episodes of the famous tv series (albeit with the famous punchy paced storyline strangely absent) and for a movie, nothing really happens. However, for die hard fans, it is always nice to see the four main characters return,they laugh and cry together ,have group hug after group hug, and for those who actually care, the Manolo Blahniks are always on show . The main difference SATC-The Movie has with the tv series, is that it loudly serenades the arrival of the newly fashionable "middle aged" successful woman. In the 1990's Carrie,Samantha,Charlotte and Miranda were thirty somethings with bad fashion advice and more money than sense. In this movie Samantha turns fifty, and the film's message clearly celebrates the fact that older women still can look fab and still "have it all" in the city that never sleeps.
As a romantic comedy, the movie is average. Sarah Jessica Parker carries the story with a great likability and all the best lines are grabbed by the hysterically loud and very funny Mario Cantone, (the gay wedding planner Anthony a man with a voice like sandpaper.)but the story of friendship conquering all does feel a tad dated now.
But, having said that, it is nice to feel that the iconic New York fairytale that so many people have enjoyed throughout the years has had a fitting and successful swansong.

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