
I can't believe that it is going to snow tomorrow,but snow it is
and in true wartime spirit I have recovered all my potatoes with tarpaulins and have scattered haylage all over the baby broad bean seedlings and the new herb bed.
I am not sure just how effective the protection measures will be against a deep frost but at least I have done my best.
Nursing a hangover after a very nice meal out last night, I forced myself to be useful and did a spring clean of the kitchen. God it was dirty, but completing the work was as satisfying as making a huge list.
The weather has been glorious today but there is a definite chill in the air. The gorse is in flower up the Gop and the view of the valley towards the sea was lovely.
Settled down late (smelling of bleach) and watched the end of Adam's Rib (1949).
Chris is knitting.......................

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