
I am getting obsessed with the weather.My potatoes are in and what can we expect this weekend....bloody frosts!!!!!!!!!!! I have cos lettuce ready for planting, spinach too not to mention more delicate herbs and seedlings, so everything seems to be on hold until late next week which is somewhat irritating today as the weather is fine.
I have had to content myself with general tidying, edging and clearing away the ton of haylage created by the hens, I had given them 6 melons (treats from the veg shop lady) so after stuffing every square inch of themselves, they have spent most of the afternoon heaped in a mass of overfed feathers, sleeping it all off.
Meeting Chris later in Osborns for tea which will be nice, and only 6 days to go before the next set of ducklings are due. I am getting obsessed with turning the eggs and have been findling myself checking the incubator temperature constantly, to minimise hatching problems as only the day before yesterday the core temperature was 2 degrees higher than it should be.. There seems so many variables listed in the "how to hatch ducks" literature, that I am surprised that the average Mallard can effectively raise a set of 12 ducklings without the aid of 20th Century technology!

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