Barter and cocktail chatter.....

Being on holiday this week means that I have a few extra eggs knocking about ( I sold 5 boxes to a set of amblers yesterday which did reduce my ITU excess). So today was an exercise in trade.
I met a nice woman walking up the Gop the other day who offered me use of her manure heap ( it's funny what you can end up talking about with strangers), so today I found myself knee deep in smelly sh*t, throwing bag after bag into the back of the Belingo. Two boxes of eggs cemented a good deal, as did another box or so for old friend Sue, who also offered me use of "her" poo heap in another nearby field. Sylvia, from the Flower show committee has offered me all of her spare foxgloves from her garden, so another box will be winging its way to her tomorrow and the final two boxes went to a class of Prestatyn school children who are doing some project or other. (Ann will be organising a visit for them to "experience" the hens and ducks as they have recently enjoyed a "lesson" of vegetable husbandry at her allotment.
Chris is back tonight after his jaunt to South Wales. We have been invited to his professor's house for drinks and nibbles on Sunday, which will be interesting. (!?) as I am not good at Cocktail party chatter, I just don't understand the "rules" that seem to go along with "work socializing".when it is performed by academics. It all seems rather dry and a little too polite to me. I know, I have experience of far too many nurse nights out, many of which are so far from polite it can be frightening, so, I guess, my heart lies in a more "relaxed" chatty-ish night out.
I thought I was reining myself in, on Chris' last work do, but I suspect Chris would beg to differ...........hey ho......they all seemed to enjoy my company, even though I held court with a particularly disgusting tale of dipping a broody hen's bum in a bucket of water......sometimes I like feeling like Judy Walters in Educating Rita........... ( or so I would like to think)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wondered you left a message then retracted it?????



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