
It is 5pm and I am having my first sit down with a coffee.It has been another lovely day, but I haven't seen a great deal of it outside as it has been a errend sort of Tuesday.

Dogs have all had their boosters (100£ in total!!!) and we have a new Polish vet who is all fingers and thumbs. Bless! very nervous and very BAD English ( which willl go down here like a pork chop at Barmitzvah) I kind of liked her as she wanted to know all about the psychology of each dog, but I guess she didn't quite understand my explainations as she looked blank as a piece of paper for most of the time I was talking.
Took Meg for her haircut at the dog groomers(pic),popped into work for a case conference on "my" spinal patient, then off to Sainsbury's and the farm shop for food and chicken food shopping. Just had time to clear out the car of rubbish,set up the new feed bin (pic) in the field and round up Duncan and a couple of girls who had escaped before taking the dogs for their walk and then go to the cinema.
Tommorrow I am getting the new tyres on the belingo sorted and will buy another 12 volt battery for the new hen fencing.
Its all go

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