"Tramp Stamps" and an attack of the vapours

I had to laugh this morning when listening to LBC. The early morning presenter,- camp-as-a-row-of-tents Steve Allen, cultivates a waspish ability to slag everyone and everything off. He pays particular attention to Chavs and bimbos, and this morning let rip on slaggy young women, like the one that foul mouthed me on the train back from Manchester the other morning. Not pausing for breath Allen berated these girls who sport lower back tattoos (he called them TRAMP STAMPS and with the obligatory "g" string always on show to the world.-I found his comments hilarious, and found myself laughing out loud when feeding the chucks at 8 am.
I love catty, predominantly gay(ish) humour. Steve Allen, Joan Rivers, Lily Savage,Jenny Eclair, John Highfield, all have the ability to make me literally cry with laughter,The put down, if carefully constructed can be a wonderfully funny statement.
I love the quote attributed to comedian Red Skelton, when commenting on the crowds that turned out for colleague Ed Wynn's death........rather wryly he stated “It proves what they say, give the public what they want to see and they'll come out for it”

Chris has spent the day on the couch covered with the duvet! The ever sweet natured Pippa, trod on his foot yesterday, and with a throbbing and rather disgustingly discoloured toe, he is "resting" as it were.
Chris does not "do" illness in any form,and is a bit of a hypochondriac!- indeed if we lived in 1890 I am sure that he would come down with an attack of the "vapours" at times of extreme stress!
So whist I have shuffled too and fro with cups of tea, soup,scuttles of coal and various dogs on leads,like a shambling Mrs Overall, he has lain prostrate with a rather happy Joan for company!

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