
Another busy night last night, so got home this morning knackered! Made soup, walked the dogs then went to bed for a couple of hours. The wind is blowing a gale, so checked on the girls at midday, photographed a rather windswept churchyard and snowdrops near the field gate,then took the dogs (gratefully) to Carol's for a gallop in the garden before going to be for another hours sleep.
I am on nights again tonight and wish I could sleep longer, but it's 3pm and I am up and blogging!
Chris and the sore toe/sore neck/sore arm (delete as appropriate) is better after his convalescence yesterday

On my break last night I finally succumbed to the Cloverfield (2008) phenomenon ( and watched the cleverly constructed trailers last night. Hype and manipulative marketing has always been used to sell\movies. flimflam techniques are nothing new!
Every decade comes another scam and 2008 it is Cloverfield.
Word of mouth and "one off" "home videos" leaked onto the net about the destruction of New York (oh not New York again!!!!) by something huge and unseen, have excited the movie going public hungry for excitement and spectacle! just like the films The BLOB did in the 1950's,EARTHQUAKE and (Sensurround) in the 1970's and THE BLAIR WITCH did in the 90's!

I am looking forward to Cloverfield and would have gone to see it despite all this secret advertising. Ok it is another monster destroys New York movie, ( and I hope the monster looks a little more exciting than the Internet drawings of it), but it looks bollocks and fun, and I know I will enjoy it

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