Well, Christmas makes you think of the year past, and perhaps it is a sign of being middle aged, but this year has shot by with a speed of a rocket. The "bigger" events of 2007 are still lurking in the wings; Gordon Brown sneering his way into number 10; the flooding of Britain ( and the near demolition of Sheffield); Iraq's drip-drip disaster; media embarrassment of phone line spins and the newspaper frenzy over little Madeline. But, I guess it is the smaller, more personal stories that obviously stick in my mind in this little bit of green Wales we are now hiding in.
There are been a few lows! Not many, but a few. Nu's family traumas pulled at the heartstrings and reminded us all what real friendship is all about; we lost Finlay, and his eternal optimistic faithfulness and money has been a bit difficult at times
as has the deadlines for Chris' job, but generally we have a lot to be thankful for over 2007.
He now have William, a cheerful down syndrome of a Welsh terrier to complicate the house pack; 24 chickens have arrived to keep old Robina on her toes; the ducks have turned up and the success's
of the allotment have provided more satisfaction in 6 months than years of "personal development" within senior nursing. The best year ever for the Trelawnyd Flower show has catapulted me into the tight knit community that is Trelawnyd, and Chris has enjoyed being the "maverick" in his new post at Bangor. So village life is having it's effects. Nu and Jims' "winter wedding on the wirral "was the social highlight of the year,(there wasn't a dry eye in the house!), -giving her away was the real honour of 2007
Chris has loved riding and being "Lord of his manor", I have re found the importance of family and the support and love of friends in Sheffield, Manchester and Australia. And to cap it all I have lost three and a half stone and managed to fit in a 34 pants and a medium top!
All in all, as Frank Sinatra once said ..."It has been a very good year"
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