Post Holiday Blues

The weather has been wet and cold since we got back from New York, subsequently the ground is unfit to plant my early spring shallots,onions, garlic and broad beans.
I have felt rather blue today, the euphoria of the holiday long forgotten. The dogs have all had the shits which is lovely, so Meg (pic) and William have had to have a long hot bath. Finlay used to love a bath, and always stood in the warm water quite still with his eyes closed, and strangely enough William reacted exactly the same way today!
To combat feeling sorry for myself, I have kept busy, doing being-in-control type things. So I have made lists,cleaned the house like a good un, had coffee with Hazel and took a phone call from a friend who had a few personal demons to talk about!
On another positive note British Airways has called ( from the States) to let me know that they are still searching for my filofax (which went missing en route to New York) and the council has been out to mark up the lane outside the cottage wall, so that the bollards can be erected. Non to soon as I caught another large lorry trying to scape around the corner yesterday ( sat nav had told them to come!) Luckily I managed to drag a policemen from main road traffic monitoring duties, to force the trailer trash driver to reverse the mile or so back to the A55!
The other pic is of the pretty cyclamen I planted near the back door

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