Red mites and Tenko
How much difference a day makes! Yesterday I was ambling down the South Bank, today I was covered in chicken shit and red mites again as the little buggers have come back with a vengeance.(see pic) I have been that overcome with mites that I have had to have a very hot bath laced with bleach! Two trips to the vets (one with George who has a slightly oozing scrotum) and the sweet faced 12 year old vet has given
me a bottle of something to inoculate each bird with. So this evening each of the girls in the big coop have been hauled from their perches and"cleansed" Let's hope it will workTonight I am looking forward to a re-run of the first series of Tenko on sky. I watched one episode last night and although the quality of the filming itself is poor the ensemble piece still holds up well. Stephanie Cole as closset lesbian Dr Mason and Patricia Lawrence as pious Sister Ulrica were standouts.
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