
Visiting Nu always means doing what seems like an awful lot in a short space of time. I met her yesterday in All Bar One at Oxford Circus then we went to the Ice Bar Below Zero. A total gimmick, the bar is entirely made from ice (including the glasses) and the place is bloody cold after half an hour or so. Each person is given a fetching cape (right) and a pair of mittens on elastic and the whole thing was all too much (especially as it cost Nu 24 quid), but it was a lot of fun.
We had big chats and a lovely Turkish meal and managed to get back to Hanwell for eleven. Today we spent mooching around St Pauls which was lovely, then went to the Globe Theatre to watch a performance of We The People, which was so-so. The theatre itself is lovely and staffed by the nicest group of volunteers I have ever met.

Nu left to go to a swish Ball late in the afternoon and I had a lovely walk along the South Bank. At Tate Modern, I loved The spider sculpture Maman by Louise Bourgeois which has been reassembled outside the gallery. (see below)
After that I ambled over to Covent Garden,the Portrait Gallery then to Euston via the BBC (I love the oh-so art deco building)and the new Food hall at John Lewis' (where I bought garlic and sesame seeds!?) It was warm and sunny, so I didn't mind walking.
A great 24 hours

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