Life imitating art and gay soldiers?

Chris being at home today allowed me to have a whole 4 hours sleep after night shift. It was a lovely day, so took the dogs up the Gop before re launching another attack to the now boring red-mite issue.
The little buggers are back with the another vengeance, despite tough chemical measures. I dragged myself to the farm shop and bought the strongest possible topical treatment, and in a scene like the one in yesterday's Tenko, I have now quarantined hut one. (Marion Jefferson had to find it within her to marshall the prisioners to move the sickbay and clean the prision huts). For three hours I have scrubbed and squirted every inch of the coop. At least we are off for a nice meal at the Bistro later, which will make up for bug city this afternoon.

On my break I read this article on the BBC website/Science and Technology, with great amusement:-

"Pioneering research into a "gay bomb" that makes enemy troops "sexually irresistible" to each other has scooped one of this year's Ig Nobel Prizes.
Other winners included work on treating hamster jetlag with impotency drugs, extracting vanilla from cow dung, and the side-effects of sword swallowing.
The awards, founded in 1991, mark achievements that "first make people laugh, and then make them think".
The prize ceremony took place at Harvard

University, US.
Genuine Nobel Laureates handed out the much-coveted awards to the winners, who took away no cash, but instead received a hand-made prize, a certificate, and, of course, the glory of such an illustrious win. "
I was tired and it took a moment to realise it WAS a light hearted award!!

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