Foxes, & The Painted Veil
Last night my fears for the ducks and hens seem to be well founded as when I was watching a late showing of The Devils Backbone (Espinazo del diablo, El (2001) on channel 4, two foxes appeared on the to
p of the Church wall,just twenty feet from where I was sitting. They looked a bit moth eaten and obviously are youngsters who have left their home sets this summer, but a fox is a fox is a fox, and juvenile or not, they are still a threat to my girls. The head count this morning was ok, and each coop looked fairly secure, but tonight I will open the bedroom window a crack, so that I can keep one ear open for trouble.
This evening Hazel and I went to Theatre Clwyd to see the New York/Chinese lesbian comedy Red Doors (2005)! funnily enough the print was not delivered to the cinema and The Painted Veil (2006) was shown instead ( well it was set in China!) . The film was ok, not great but quite old fashioned in a nothing-really-happens way. Now I like Naomi Watts who played the spoilt heroine who redeems herself during a cholera epidemic, but what the role needed was a Bette Davis or Barbara Stanwick, who could chew the scenery with gusto. I did enjoy Edward Norton's performance as her wronged husband. Not a great film but a passable one.
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