A Blair Witch moment & Atonement

The mystery of the wooden structures in Gop wood has been solved. For months now, the dogs and I have come across a whole selection of rough teepee like wooden houses, constructed in the woods on the Eastern slope of the Gop. The one that George is exploring (right pic) is quite professionally made, and I always thought they were too tidy for kids "dens". Apparantly the woodland houses are a project organised by Trelawnyd school, to increase the childrens' knowlegde of county pursuits.

Happier (and busier) day today. Up early to shampoo the carpets to rid the cottage of George's hormonal scent marking, did some cooking and had taken the dogs up the Gop all before 10 am. After I had disinfected the coops and changed the ducks swimming water it was nice to sit in the coop and watch the birds. Some animals just enjoy the physical contact with people, and I am always moved when for one reason or another they seek you out.

Meg always climbs into bed after her early morning walk with Chris, and seems to "need" that closeness every day. George and Maddie just need to be in close proximity, perhaps with a muzzle just touching a leg or shoe! Out of all the hens Mildred is the only one that will initiate a physical contact and actively seeks me out to sit on a knee or to collect the odd stroke and I am convinced that it is the contact she enjoys rather than an opportunity to collect the odd titbit. I must have looked a bit wierd lying in the field with a chicken on my chest!

Strimmed the rest of the field, and started to clear some of the overgrown hedges which is a grotty job. I have also chased up the estate agents acting on behalf of the Church about the documentation for the field and I should (finally) sign for it on Friday. I also (how middle aged is this?) spoke to a nice chap from Flintshire Council road planning dept asking for help with the increased farm traffic and damage to the cottage wall. He is comming out to surey the problem personally on Friday! which I thought was an excellent level of service.

Atonement (2007) at Llandudno tonight is one of the best films I have seen in 2007. I just loved it. Complicated,wonderfully underplayed and beautifully shot by Seamus McGarvey, I could sit through it all again. James McAvoy and Keira Knightley as usual are perfect but the film is stolen from them just a little by 13 year old Saoirse Ronan as the lovelorn Birony and old trouper Vanessa Redgrave as her 7o year old alter ego. A cracking film!

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