Trelawnyd Flower Show Pressure

Bit of a reversal of roles today, as I have spent 8 hours at a resus study day and Chris has spent the day cooking, baking and houseworking! He was truly knackered when I got home and had to be congratulated on how neat and tidy the house was! Now I was secretly pleased but it did tickle me that the hoover was still left out in the living room, dirty washing in huge piles on the stairs and the ironing board and iron all left out in the's a man's thing!

Anyhow have just sat down after getting things organised for the flower show. Sylvia (show sec) is panicking that only 4 people have entered the village "best garden" category, so I felt a certain amount of pressure to enter ours! (even though all the best flowers have gone over and I have dug up many of the ended herbaceous plants!) So tonight like a madman I have rearranged potted ferns and geranium ( in the dark) to balance the look of the garden, much to the consternation of the dogs who all lined up at the back gate to watch. I also managed to bake a couple of chocolate cakes to be sold at the tea kitchen on the day ( and have not broken it to Chris yet that I suspect he will be helping to sell tea and cakes on the day) Yes blog fans I will be sure and get a photo of THAT ONE!

it's 10.30 pm and I have just cut a few sweet peas for the allotment to encourage a good crop for the show on Saturday, time to walk the dogs and lock up the chickens and a sit down

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