Table shifting

The preparation for the flower show continues and after a particularly busy night shift looking after a chap with meningitis and two hours sleep, I went to the village hall to help hump all the tables around ready for the exhibitors on Saturday morning. Sylvia and Irene and I organised the tables and chairs and covered the whole of the tabletops with lining paper which was a real chore. Tomorrow morning we will put the primary school childrens' work on the walls, which will lighten the austere "look" of the hall a little. Usually the tea tables are left as you see them, so I suggested we cover them with a load of hand embroidered table cloths my mother made in the 1970s. They have never been put to good use and I think donating them to the show would be a nice gesture!. I also suggested we use all the sweat peas from my allotment to decorate each table , so hopefully the place will look a little more "decorative" Yes all very "gay"

we finished around 5pm, and I was glad to hear that the judge for the "best garden " category was very impressed with the cottage garden ( I wont officially hear the results until Saturday though!) I suspect I have not won, but having a commendation would be great.

Chris ha s been to the Flint and Denbigh show today with Janet and the Scotties, who came home covered head to tail with mud and totally exhausted from the stimulation of an animal show.

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