A dream

Now I usually write my blog on an evening, as it is my way of relaxing after a days pottering. Today I am writing this in the morning sunshine with a cup of coffee. The reason for this is that I have just got up after the most vivid and moving dream I have experienced in a long long time. I know we all dream, but remembering ones that I have experienced is a rarity for me, and this morning I dreamt of my Grandmother who was walking with Finlay!

In the dream I was walking with Chris in the Peace Gardens in Sheffield. It was raining slightly but very warm and there was crowds of people walking around. (strangely they were all Afro/Caribbean) By Bar HaHa I could see my Grandmother who was reading the menu (go figure that out?) She was wearing a cream knee length coat with large cream buttons, a queen mother hat and carried a large white leather handbag in the crook of her left arm. Finlay was sitting next to her but turned and saw us and barked and I remember my Grandmother turning and waving. Now in those Hitchcockian (sp?) dream sequences my Grandmother should have been screened by the passing crowds and would have disappeared with me searching frantically for her, but that didn't happen. She looked both ways on the pavement and with that formal old lady sort of walk, she came over to us and greeted us warmly with Finlay jumping up and down madly. The emotion of meeting them again seemed very real and raw yet I don't remember how the dream ended . I woke with the smell of both of them in my head and with a huge knot in my throat.
Why did I dream this dream this morning? And why was it so vivid? who knows....it just stuck in my mind

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