Killer chickens

We moved the chickens into their new run this afternoon, and it was an education watching the girls racing around their new enclosure like little boys racing around a sweet shop! They bounced around eating every thing in sight, and in a matter of minutes had unearthed several small frogs which they dispatched with disgusting "popping" sounds. (yerch) William (Pic) nearly wet himself with the excitement of it all.
This morning we went to the second day of the flower show, and had our usual large salmon sarnies and weak tea at the tea tent while listening to the band which were very good! Tried to be a bit arty and took a pic of the band framed with bunting (below), but for the most part we just people watched.
Nephew Chris turned up unexpectedly with his new and very attractive girlfriend in tow ( a Rosamund Pike lookalike)

Mybasket was an obvious hit with the flower show committee, and they were all very amused and intrigued that a man had entered and WON a predominately female category! Collected my winning certificates wich now have been pinned on the kitchen wall

Chris still doing well ! no fags!!!!

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