The dogs get out

It has been a beautiful day today, and like most of the local farmers who are desperate to get the haylage cut, I have been all day in the allotment. The dogs had been walked on the beach early, so after leaving them in a sandy pile in the sun near the back door I went to set up the strimmer and collect the days eggs. Now I know I shut both gates of the back garden, so felt ok at leaving them for a while, but it was only a few minutes later that I caught sight of the familiar figure of George running up the up the lane with William in tow! obviously frightened by the passing farm lorries. Now none of the dogs bar Maddie have much road sense and the silage traffic had almost killed Joan earlier ( she still has a tendency to lie in the road) I vaulted the field gate like a madman and scooped both dogs up before they could wag half a tail but that sick knot in the pit of your stomach is a bloody awful feeling, especially as Meg and Maddie were no where to be seen. I felt like a new mother who had been seperated from her child for the first time! Dumping the boys in the car, I ran up to the main road ( not easy in wellies) and there was Meg watching the streaming traffic! only inches from the main road. With my heart in my mouth, I bellowed "Come here!" in my biggest commanding voice and for the first time in her life, she turned and trotted obediently up to me! I could have kissed her. (see pic)
Maddie was still no where to be seen on the main road,so I galloped down to the car (thank god for weightwatchers) to look for her. After a frantic few minutes I had to laugh (hysteria not far away I feel), as there she was sat on the path waiting patiently for me to return! Out of the four of them Maddie is the conscience of the pack almost like "Jiminy Chricket" from Pinocchio! she knows she is not allowed out by herself, so sat primly in the garden waiting for me to say it was ok! for her to join the others!

I still don't know who left the gates open!

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