Pottering in the eye of the storm

Today is the only fine day we are going to have for a while, well that's according to the BBC weather web site, so it has been a lovely pottering sort of day of catching up with allotment jobs and walking in the sun. Chris and I got up early and walked the dogs on the beach, then I managed to clean out the somewhat musty coop and weeded the veg patch which is looking quite healthy.

I love listening to the radio, when working in the allotment, and today had a real treat as it was the omnibus of the The Archers, followed by an insightful episode of Desert Island Discs. The joy of radio listening is that you can actually give the words,conversations and comments your total attention, and it was a joy to hear the relationship between singer Christy Moore and host Kirsty Young blossom. Radio allows you to pick up on when an interviewer actually likes and respects their interviewee, and I was impressed by Kirsty Young's ability to phrase and ask interesting and insightful questions. I found it fascinating comparing this interview with the one I heard between Faith Brown and Jenny Eclair yesterday. Faith Brown sounded terribly desperate while Eclair was polite yet obviously bored with the whole "old pals act" thing.

The allotment has started to bear its fruit, the lettuce we ate at Ann's yesterday was ours as was the garlic. The sweat peas are wonderful, as are my white "ice cream" roses. Just had time for a 4 mile powerwalk and more William lead training before a sleep this afternoon before work later!
I am worried that next week will make me go a little stir crazy as the weather will be turning wet and wintery, here's hoping.
Today has been a nice day

William (left) looking rather smug

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