Postscript to Tuesday Night

I love city skylines. There is something rather romantic about buildings set against green hills (as in Sheffield and Pittsburgh) or Water (New York ,Seattle and San Fransisco) Now I know it sounds rather odd lumping Sheffield with some of the most evocative cities in the world but I do think the Sheffield view can hold its own with the others. Last Tuesday Jonney had to attend a corporate do at the Millennium Galleries before we went out and after I had grabbed a Chardonnay, I disappeared onto the museum balcony at sunset to enjoy the view.And enjoy it I did...very much so. I was reminded of a night out years ago, with Mike and Bev and Bev's doctor friend Jackie who was then working at Weston Park Hospital. We ended up at the doctor's residence which was situated on the top of the hospital and I remember dancing in the dark, on the roof with the 360 degree view of the sparkling city lights and dark hills beyond. It was a magical experience!
On our last New York trip Chris and I (with Sorrel) went up the Rockefeller Centre at Night to see the view from the famous "Top of the Rock" observation platform. It was a wonderfully romantic , exciting and humbling experience. I think it is nice to have some of these memories linked together Sheffield/New York, New York/ Sheffield.

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