A mixed bag o' mashings

The bombings in London and this afternoon in Glasgow airport of all places are all designed to cause disruption and fear to the population already frayed at the edges with flood and wet weather. Despite the media I hope that the British people do what they always do so well in the face of calamity, and that is go about their normal lives without too much chaos and upset. Reading entries on the sheffield forum, that is exactly what people are wanting to do, and by doing so hopefully the terrorists will not gain the psychological upper hand.

The virtue of old fashioned products, came to the front today as (and apologies to Nige and other avid readers for this banal entry) I used the old tried and tested vim scourer on the nasty marks on the bath. Now I have tried glacier smelling mousses, biotic gel cleaners with scientific back up and

expensive anti-scum beating multi-sprays, all with little or no effect. Then this morning, with a rush down memory lane I used a ton of elbow grease and the trusty powder and BINGO!, clean bath! How sad is that? ......entries on a postcard please!

................and finally....When I was soaking in my beautifully clean bath this evening, I got to thinking about the phrase "looking without seeing" .On our bathroom wall is a 1940 print by Cecily Barker entitled "The Dead Nettle Fairy" Now we have this print for years, but tonight, for the very first time I realised how sweet and subtle the drawing actually is. Funny how you take things you see every day for granted isn't it? lesson for the day closeth!

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