
I am surprisingly chilled about the prospect of loosing the allotment and/or the chicken run. Obviously I will be gutted if things run to the letter especially after 4 months work, but I am aware that I cannot do anything about it at the moment. I am however trying to find out if another field could be rented in the village but have been unable to locate the relevant parties. Allotments can always be moved, all that takes is a great deal of hard work, and that I am used to. I do worry about the chickens however, as I really do not want to get rid of them all. Best not to think about it all at the moment and hope that the agents for the land are sympathetic.

Chris has a friend visiting later today, which is a rarity for him, so I am just about to get my hostess head on! Had a reply from Susan our dog breeder (Our dog breeder?) she has a male 2 year old welsh with a good nature and a 5 month old male puppy, either one we could have. I am going over to see them very soon with a view of returning with the male that can take over as leader. Perhaps that's why I seem more chilled at the moment? The new dog I would like to name William, as it was my aunt's suggestion when she came to tea the other night and I kind of liked the feel of the name. Maddie,Meg,George and William; it sounds rather good. Strange but I really do miss Finlay today....Hey ho.

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