Bodnant Gardens, meeting Ruth and Sorrel leaves

The famous laburnum arch at Bodnant Gardens should have looked like this picture as the time of year is just right, but we were slightly disappointed as the flowers had not quite draped themselves as low and as colourful as we expected. The colours from the masses of Rhododendrons and Japanese deciduous Azaleas are wonderful and even Chris (who is left a little cold by vegetation) was impressed. Sorrel enjoyed our day out and this morning she has caught the train back to Broadstairs after another nice visit.

Sorrel is one of those people that has made a sucess out of her life despite not always having huge confidence in herself. She has a professional job, a mass of friends and a busy social lifestyle, and I am always envious of her self discipline and abilities to always do something new. It was good to see her. It was also good to catch up with old friend Ruth and her family yesterday. They were having a break at Pontins over this weekend and stopped for a coffee,chat and play with the chickens on their way home.

Ruth, I always think is a true survivor also and the stereotypical northern wife, mother and friend in the Coronation Street-type tradition. With a heart as big as a house and a natural Les Dawson persona she provides the necessary old fashioned nursing skills , so absent from the hospital care of today and I do miss her self depreciating humour and sharp banter. We don't do children very well, but her kids were well behaved and rather sweet, even Chris spent his time playing with them on his moped, but I guess we will always keep with the dogs rather than ever contemplate gay adoption! (too many antiques and my obsession with tidiness would never allow!).

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