The runner bean and sweat pea canes are now erected and the vegetable plot now resembles a real bone fido allotment! (you have to look carefully). Spent another long ,sunny day outside potting up beans, pumpkin seeds and tomato plants and tomorrow I intend to clear the rest of plot two ready for the herbs and soft fruit trees.
A funny thing happened to me today when I took the dogs up the Gop. I noticed Meg's shadow on the road. Now there is nothing too amazing about that except that Meg's normal slight stature was exaggerated slightly by the position of the sun and her shadow seemed more robust and certainly larger. In fact it looked remarkably like Fin and it's strange but I was comforted by the sight of it.
Went to Theatre Clwyd tonight to see the film Perfume. but got the film times wrong so ended up watching the French historical drama Gabrielle (2005) . I suppose the film was not bad but it was dour! as it chronicled the break up of an Edwardian society marriage. By the end of it, I had more than enough of it all and felt like shrieking at a morose Isabelle Huppert on the screen " Just Leave him for fu*ks sake!".
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