Finlay 2002-2007 and fairs fair

Completely knackered today as I have started to dig out the second vegetable bed and managed to fit in a "powerwalk" with Carole as well as two long dog walks. Picked up Chris from Colwyn Bay to get the moped serviced, and collected Fin's headstone from the undertakers. We are pleased with the result as it is simple and will weather in nicely, though I have taken it off the stone plinth so it nestles lower in the flower bed. I was quite moved when I saw the finished result!

I found it interesting that 81 year old Dorothy Evans has been jailed for 6 months (though will be serving 3) after being found guilty of harassment and breechment of several asbos -
humm, and why not? I have always shouted long and hard for fairness in things (don't get me started again on Child places in supermarkets yet again!) In this country little old ladies are referred to (only in the media reporting of trials) as "bless her, she's far too old to be thrown into prison!lets start a petition!"
In this case I think-it's a case of - do the crime take the time.or whatever the phrase is

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