Mushroom crop number 1 & Little Children and Nu the film star

Taking the turf off the top of the allotment is back breaking work but I got stuck in for a couple of hours this afternoon, and I must admit one tiny corner does resemble something akin to a vegetable patch ( well actually it looks like a large untidy war grave!) The world and his wife have stopped to give me advice "oh you don't want to do it like this, you want to do it like that" sort of thing, but I am happy to do the work in a more laborious way,as it will help with the weightwatchers "weigh in".

Had a sneaky look at my mushroom crop this morning and hey presto we have a crop! smells something awful, but certainly might have enough for breakfast on sunday! cute little buggers eh?

Little Children (2006) was a big let down at Theatre Clwyd tonight. I suspect I would have enjoyed the novel by Tom Perrotta , as the brief explanatory narration excerpts were beautifully written and incisive,but to be honest I found the film lumpy and rather boring . Kate Winslet was ok and so was pretty boy Patrick Wilson (pic) but I couldn't just care very much about anyone of them....a fatal flaw in the film world! Nice to see Hazel though! apparently Hubby is getting jealous that I am accompanying her to the flicks so often! Hum so take her yourself!!!

Spoke to Nu briefly tonight before going out, having nu withdrawl at the moment and can't wait to meet up soon.She sent me some wedding pics tonight and I love this one as she looks very Hollywood! (nice mirror! by the way! )

Very Rita Hayworth in Gilda!!!!

ps Fin is still not right but certainly better! Presently is lying on the couch with me with his paw on the computer screen! oh ever the actor! pps..........................................................................................
I was at work yesterday for a 12 hour shift and when I got home Chris was all frazzled after looking after Finlay and the three others AND getting the dinner ready and all the other normal shit!....I was very grateful but had to laugh today as Carole from down the road told me that she had enjoyed looking after Meg, Maddie AND George ALL day on Sunday!............

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