Keeping busy & Jim will fix it.

Half the allotment has now been completed, and it has been a beautiful day to be working outside. I am fed up at feeling miserable, so have been incredibly busy digging and washing, doing the weekly shop ,walking the dogs and planting bulbs and plants. Grief is a bastard of thing as it creeps up on you and suddenly something small catches you unawares!-laying you lower than you ever thought possible. This morning I went to feed the chickens and removed the corn feed from my storage place on the floor of the back seat of the car (it is safer being there as the mice can't reach it) As I did so I noticed tiny pieces of tissue on the back seat where I had cleaned the car after Finlay peed on it on his return journey from the animal hospital a weeks or so ago. Chris and I laughed at it at the time as we were just grateful just to have him coming home! just remembering that small thing was enough to set me off.

People have been very kind over the last day or so. Flowers and cards and phone calls and texts all have been gratefully recieved, but I know it sounds a bit odd but I am not really up to chatting at the moment. I hope that people understand.

Last week I bought tickets for a comedy performance by Laurence Clark entitled - JIM FIXED IT FOR ME, which is at Theatre Clwyd. Chris said he hates stand up comedy so Carole stepped in to go. Didn't feel up for it really but felt as though I needed to go out.

Laurence Clark was, it turned out, to be excellent. A cerebral palsy sufferer,Dr Who fanatic and a Jimmy Savile survivor, his humour was very "spinal injury-ish" and therefore very comforting to me. He was also a very attractive charismatic performer! Carole and I had a nice evening and was a bit naughty (in a fatfinder points type of way) as we stopped off at Trelawnyd's Crown Inn for a couple of pints on the way home. The house seems very quiet without Fin when I walked in, Meg seems to have assumed control of the pack now, even though she is still very much a adolescent, and she bounced around in greeting.

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