Animal hospital, weightwatchers and hopefull news

It has been a rollercoaster ride of a day. Managed to get hold of the consultant Vet this morning and went in to the animal hospital at 2pm with a very heavy heart. The consultant was a "jolly hockeysticks" type of woman who went through all the news clearly and concisely. Finlay's condition had improved with steroids, bags of fluids and a heavy dose of antibiotics, and the original diagnosis had seemed to have shifted from a brain event to a serious systemic infection of some sorts. She explained with a smile that he wasn't out of the woods by any means, but his neurology loss had reversed and he probably could go home tomorrow! I could hardly believe it as everyone had prepared us for his potential death only last night! I could have kissed her! A nurse in scrubs brought him out to see me and rather a sad ( and still connected to 500mls of dextrose saline) Finlay tottered out and hauled himself onto my knee with a weak but genuine open mouthed smile!. My boy was back!

Anyway enough of this emotion, the whole 24 hours has been all a bit much and Chris and I have been so touched my so many phone calls and good wishes from friends and family! Carole from down the road .......has been especially good looking after the three "little ones" when all this was going on! anyhow changing the subject.........................................................Yesterday I started work on the allotment which was bloody back breaking to say the least. Moving the rotavator is a cross between battling Charlton Heston's Chariot and hauling in a two ton Marlin, and I suspect digging the 40 foot plot will help with my weightwatchers point loss! (look at the silhouette of the stomach!) Mind you when we went to out weigh in yesterday I had lost ( wait for it!) SIX AND A HALF POUNDS!! Fat Bastard!

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