Cold snap & a good read!

The "girls" look a bit excited, they have just guzzled a large plate of weetabix and hot milk! as temperatures have plummeted below zero again and tonight we are expecting several centimeters of snow! I suspect Chris will get stuck in Sheffield tomorrow as British Rail never does very well when "normal" winter weather approaches.

Sorted out (finally) a mattress that fits the new bedstead, so we will have less of the overnight Olympics that is finding enough space to sleep ! Thank god for Marks and Spencer on line.

Recieved this attachment from Siobhan Malcolm who was intrigued by my Big Brother blogs. Very funny!

Reading an excellent book at the moment The Interpretation of Murder by Jed Rubenfield. Set in 1909's New York it is a thriller centred about a serial killer and Sigmund Freud's first visit to America

As Chris is away I have indulged in my pet pasion for tea FISH FINGER sandwiches! Humm, several miles away from Hillbark Hotel !

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