This Life + 10 (2007), was on this evening on BBC2, and I must admit I did have a quick peek to see how Anna, Miles, Millie, Egg and Warren looked 10 years after we enjoyed their arbitrary 1990 lives in "This Life". They all looked pretty good, especially Jason Hughes as the sadly optimistic Warren , but I did turn the television over after a few minutes as I wanted to remember the characters as they were, when I enjoyed their chaotic relationships a decade ago. Seeing them all again, was like bumping into close friends, and it was a feeling that didn't sit quite right! Friends that stay in your life do so for a reason, others fall away and are grieved over or forgotten about, depending on the reasons for the parting. We all experience close friends that leave us , and I am in a mind now that generally we should "let sleeping dogs lie" rather then to try to capture past closeness. A couple of years a close friend of mine dropped our friendship; her sudden and what I saw as her selfish never explained behaviour shocked and hurt me badly, and times like New Year still makes me think of her. I thought it clever of the BBC to air This life at this emotional, and introspective time of year, and I almost fell for it....... but, just at the crucial moment, I realised that the famous five should be left in 1997 where we last enjoyed them . As twenty somethings ,they had hope,energy and excitement, we said our goodbyes then.
Winter has hit home here and the beach was painfully icey on our walk, thank god for Chris' Christmas pressie, the hairy hat! I love it!. Spoke to Nu who was full of the wedding plans ( AND the hen night). Chris went back to work today, and was secretly bursting to get into his office! This year is our seventh year together, which is lovely.
I know what you meant by "almost fell" - I almost did the same. However, my criticisms aside (see blog) I'm glad I watched it. I find the original a little painful to watch for precisely the same reasons as those that encouraged you not to watch the reprise. I enjoyed watching the reprise as it helped to remind me that sometimes those who shout the most about their success are sometimes those who have the least to offer life in general. So, paradoxically, This Life says something to both of us about friendships we've both lost (or, in my case, were forced to end), although (obviously) for very different reasons. I've taped it, in case you change your mind! Speak soon Nx