Happy New Year Mrs Rosen
Hollywood has seldom portrayed New Year as anything more than a metaphor for change within a narrative structure.The Poseidon Adventure (1972), also used it as adramatic backdrop to the disaster and as a child I always remembered Shelley Winters as good old Belle Rosen making sure the shy storekeeper Red Buttons was crossing his arms with her at the stroke of midnight..."Mr Martin. don't be on your own tonight...here,.... come stand next to me!!!" as a ten year old, I always thought being alone like that at New Years so incredibly sad, especially as Mr Martin was trying so hard not to be single! it was such a caring thing for Mrs Rosen to do...I just knew in my water thay she would have a sticky end! After she had dived into pools of oil water to save the bad tempered Gene Hackman and died so melodramatically with his slobber all over her cheek, I almost laughed as Ernie Borgnine sadly thanks her for her bravery,"You hadda lotta guts lady..a lotta guts!"..........many a true wordNew Year's Eve on ITU, has been (so far) ok. We are fullof acutely sick patients, but now at 3 am all the main work has been completed and the patients are all artificially asleep! I am looking forward to the week ahead. Dog toilet training, pottering jobs and home....Happy New Year...............
bog off