Big Thinks, University and Sheffield

I have spoken at length with my Tutor today and a representative from student services and have decieded to leave University. On balance I am happy with my decision, as the lession (amid many) I have learnt by moving to Wales, is that it is the more simple things, such as home, garden, which make me feel happy now. Having said that that, things are not just black or white; simple or complicated they are just different and perhaps all this is just a symptom of a mid life crisis.? who knows.....

Nu summed things up when she said- generally, by and large things have to be more fun than not! and that slightly skewed "balance" is vital I think.

Anyhow feeling thoughtfull, I am off home now, then up to Sheffield to see Mike for an emotional romp!

Big hugs to Chris. He makes the important things better x

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