Right At Your Door

Went to see Right at your door, this afternoon in Chester. and what an excellent film it is. The story seems a simple one: After multiple dirty bombs are detonated, spreading deadly toxic ash across Los Angeles, Brad (Rory Cochrane) inadvertently quarantines his wife, Lexi (Mary McCormack) outside their new home by safely sealing himself inside. With the city under siege and martial law in affect, Brad and Lexi struggle to survive with few supplies, limited time and no information ,all the while separated by thin doors and thinner sheets of plastic. When "help" finally does arrive, it appears to be anything but!
The two actors give wonderful peformances, but the main protagonist of the story, strangely enough, is the mobile phone! Five years ago, mobiles came to centre stage in the disaster that was 9/11. The passengers on Flight 93, and trapped office workers in the Twin Towers managed to ring their nearest and dearest with final messages of love before they were killed. Right at your door, uses that very scenario, when Lexi says her tearful goodbyes to her brother, however the mobile phone plays a much bigger role in the narrative. It is a source of frustrations and hurt to both Brad and Lexi as they face technical problems and powerlosses when trying to find each other and information from the faceless authorities. It provides a medium for parents and friends to contact the couple and rehash past family relationship problems and ultimately it causes the death of one of the main characters in a not-seen-that-coming way!
This film was an excellent choice for an afternoon flick, it was just one of those movies that you needed a good chat about afterwards.
ALSO I couldn't believe that I watched it in a Chester cinema TOTALLY ALONE!!! what a treat!!!

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