Mentally Prepared

Today was a bit of a red letter day as the last of the "jobs" around the house have been completed! Geoff and sidekick Glenys have wallpapered the now chinzey bathroom! (amid much laughing and chatter and cake) and the control freak and list maker in me has now finally been appeased. I had a plan before University, and that was to get all the house and garden more or less finished, especially as I am now part time in the Hospital and therefore money is a little tight.! and .........
so the house has been totally decorated,wall is up,path is down, garden completed,the chickens have their new big run, the last clematis (thanks Geoff) is in!, the car has been taxed for a year and I've even saved the front lawn!....and it is a great relief to have ticked all those small boxes.

I wonder how I would have felt if things had not been completed? Grossly upset and stressed no doubt and only today whilst tramping up the Gop, did I feel excited and ready for University. Nursing is no longer one of the most important things in my life anymore
( Boy was it, when I was a charge nurse in Sheffield?), after 24 years, it is now merely a way of paying for my education............Isn't that a strange thought? well if not a strange one then more a liberating one.

I have just read my friend nigel's blog entry on his Wales visit! which pleased me greatly, thanks for that Nige

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