
Sometimes you look and feel like this 

When all you want to be , is ....this

A Small Tits Up

Small things conspire against you sometimes
I'm working all day  tomorrow and don't want to
The Prof and I have just had a row over a miscommunication
Mary has been stung by a wasp whist playing with the neighbour's dog and is now acting all useless . (She is presently lying fallorn with George under the kitchen table)
But lets look on the bright side
Weaver seems to be improving ( good on yer girl)
We are on holiday to Broadstairs very soon! ( with our own beach hut! )
And The Walking Dead returns in Oct...
Things could be worse

Speak on Sunday

Filth even

For a few days now, I have noticed that the butter in the butter dish has had a strange , slightly ridged surface.
I wondered if it was a new kind of wrapper that had caused it
After making the Prof's marmite on toast this morning, I came back into the kitchen to prepare my own breakfast.
Only to see
Albert licking the butter pat, with his eyes closed.

Poundland/ lodge Moor

I went to the poundland store today which is unfortunately full of the great unwashed.
But it was a fruitful visit as for only four whole pound coins
I bought a washing up bowl, cleaning wipes for the car, a set of sports earphones ( so I Can listen to music when out for my power walks) and a cd of Cher's love Hurts album.

I have not heard this track for an absolute age, but it brought back some wonderful memories
It's Fires Of Eden and although this is the one and only YouTube version available, it will do as it reminds me of singing along to it after too many beers with some nursing friends and a group of rehabing spinal injury patients all in their wheelchairs in the bar of the Three Merry Lads, which was located by the gates of Lodge Moor Hospital.
Two sets of young people 
Therapists and patients 
All sharing a good time

I sang along with the cd at the top of my voice on the way home
Like I said HAPPY DAYS

Dull Thursday

A summer's day in Wales.
Grey and cold and wet. We stopped at the Church gate to listen to the funeral hymn being sung.
There is nothing more melancholy than a Welsh funeral on a wet day.
I didn't know the chap who was being buried. He lived out of the village and cared for a wife with severe dementia. She, I was reliably informed afterwards, had the presence of  mind to ring for an ambulance after he had collapsed. Unfortunately she wasn't well enough to attend the service.
We then went to the Affable despot's house to feed their fish and  family gecko as they are away. I tied the dogs to the gate, fed the fish in their kitchen tank and then went to water the gecko ( who seems to be the most useless animal on earth as it neither seems to move or react ) as I was giving him a quick squirt with the moisturiser gun I heard a sudden bang from the bedroom above, then another and another and thinking I had suddenly disturbed an intruder I went to the bottom of the stairs and called out a fairly ineffectual and girly " hello? " up into the darkness .
A moment later Winnie suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, she was smiling broadly. Obviously she had slipped her lead and had been enjoying herself greatly exploring a new home.

It took me an age to sponge down the fat paw prints from the carpet.

In The Fruit Bowl

I turned around after preparing stir fry vegetables for dinner
And this is what I saw

News Just In

Relating to point 5 in the previous post
The Prof has promised me a trip back to the big apple next year
if I reach my desired weight loss! 
Off for a power walk! 

I Want

After a 6 am walk ! The dogs and I went back to bed.
I dreamed an odd dream about having a new bath tub fitted and woke up all upset that it wasn't true
It was one of those bloody lovely vintage round topped tubs that seem so common in America.
I've always wanted one.

Before I summoned the energy to drag my carcass out of bed, I played one of those little mind games people play when putting off the inevitable .
What ten things would I ask for if I had the chance.
Nothing too big, nothing greedy.
But, ten arbitrary things that would make me squeal with delight.

1.  Well number one is the bath.An American , deco ( ish) bath with a gentle curved top.
2.  The kitchen cabinets from Mrs Miniver's kitchen
3.  A "new"enamel cooking pan to replace my old one which was thrown out recently
4.  A patchwork quilt
5.  My 34 inch waistline
6.  A dog sink
7.  A posh ink pen
8.  A one off trip to comic con to meet the cast of The Walking Dead
9.  Calorie free scotch eggs ( unlimited supply)
10  A1940 cinematic housekeeper.