
 My sister had left me a roast dinner on my door step which was kind tonight. 
Im tired after a busy shift, so ate supper on my knee in front of a hastily lit fire.
Another day at work tomorrow. 
My Hotmail email account , the one I’ve had 25 years, has been locked which has been a real bind  
Despite hours trying to reopen it I’ve had to resort to to sort out my life on line
How much re rely on the internet now

Hey ho


 I’ve never really liked fantasy musicals 
Willie Wonka, The Wizard Of Oz, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, all leave me somewhat cold and bored, so I was surprised that Wicked held my attention for so long. 
I had seen the original musical in San Francisco , and had forgotten it shortly afterwards so the film seemed ill fated and probably ill advised, but as it was organised as a post Christmas treat with my friend Ruth, ( with a spicy burrito to follow) I thought What the fuck ? Why not? 

Elfaba ( Cynthia Erivo) was born to play the lead wicked witch as she conveys every single emotion with a close up single look. She is the film and she is amazing in it. Grande too is impressive as her foil and friend G’linda but everyone’s eyes are on Erivo’s green face which when silently weeping, clearly sets the audience off.
The film itself was so so but the scenes between the two witches are touching real and wonderfully observed.

Boxing Day

 Mary is more rested, her nesting hopefully no more than a hormone surge. I picked up a new carpet cleaner this morning ( the old one collapsed exhausted due to over use ) so my Boxing Day , I’m cleaning and nesting like Mary had done. 
It’s usually a day for walks and chat, but I’ve no one to walk and chat with which is shame but at least I can breathe new life in the living room carpet and half watch Casablanca and The Magnificent Seven which dominate BB2 this afternoon.

Had a lovely Christmas lunch yesterday with family , and there was much hilarity when my nephew gave me this very tragic vase

Luckily my sisters gave me this Barcelona print, which I’ve just hung

And this croc key ring( very me)

Mary’s with Child?

 At 8 pm last night Polish Monika called around with some Polish food all wrapped neatly . I was touched by her kindness. At 10pm there was a knock on the front window, it was Mrs Trellis gayly waving a chocolate Santa, ever one to make a final entrance, her joviality moved me. 

I made a Sherry trifle and spent the evening watching tv and messaging friends not caught up with before Christmas 

Mary has ripped the cushion back out of the kitchen reading chair, she is also suddenly restless and moody
( well more moody that normal) it took me ages to realise that she’s nesting.
I’m presuming it’s a phantom pregnancy given her age 
Which means I have my own Virgin Mary 

But I’m not at all sure, 


 I’m sat at Sainsburys cafe with a liberal amount of avocado and poached egg down my front.
I’m not surprised only mildly disgusted with myself 
My second best navy jumped splattered 
The woman at the next table gives me that benign bless him look, as if she spied someone with learning difficulties out alone. ( I remembered I was wearing sweatpants that were bleached on the arse- from a distance they looked as though my left cheek was hanging out) 
I can’t wait to get home .
I dropped off Animal Helper Pat a gift . She was busy cooking and baking and  now Bluebell is empty and devoid of cards and gifts. 
I’m watching a gay couple too, they are dressed in matching Santa hats , and they bicker lightly over what to order and I feel a little envious 
But the weather is mild and the sun is shining albeit in a watery way so I wish you all ( including anon troll) a happy Christmas Eve 
I hope you are all ok xx


 I slept in until 11 am and felt a bit better for it. 
Today I’ve delivered the village Christmas Cards and gifts for friends that will be alone this holiday.
I bought Christmas Angels for Hattie’s daughter Freyer and Polish Monika’s daughter Sophia and Christmas decorations for the Randa girls. 

I dropped a gift off at Mrs Trellis’ and it was nice to see a few presents and flowers already left for her on her doorstep .She was out with Jo and her three whippets ( with 11 legs) braving the light rain at dusk.

I was wet and tired by the time it was dark. 
Pizza for tea 


A lovely supper 
Velvet voiced Linda, Nick and Chic Eleanor



Me and Nige when I had brown not gray hair 

 It's Saturday morning and I'm posting minutes after leavingLiverpool for home.
I'm meeting Nigel a gay best friend of 35 years who lives in Manchester
We gossiped and laughed and was ourselves for a few hours 
We camped it up in John Lewis 
And we drink lots of tea
He is my constant and is a person I will always go to if I want an honest reaction 
There is no bullshit with Nigel 
I love him dearly

Before I left, I sorted out gifts with the neighbors.
Mandy & John brought a bottle of gin around, Animal helper Pat left a homemade barabrith with a pot of homemade lemon curd, and someone unnamed left a garland of holly on the kitchen wall, with a note saying “mind the pricks”
Islwyn was touched I gave him a gift when he was sorting out my bins and online I sent flowers to the managers at the hospice, for Monday …..all managers need some positive feedback at this time of year
The lights are still on the Hall's Christmas tree

Hey ho