Stealing Words- SRA

I'm sat at my work table in the kitchen, preparing to write today's blog alongside my bucket of coffee.
My Shadow is watching every move after her morning walk and night curled up next to me and Mary on a comfy duvet.
I'm making sour bread later.
She will be watching every move no doubt.
Anxious bulldogs can be very needy,
It's a good job, I'm an old hand at all this.

I've been training up a new Samaritan recently and have asked him to shadow other experienced sams  in the weeks that follow. " Pick  and choose those great replies you hear other sams give their callers !" I advised " Be sure to steal them for your own interactions !"

We all steal words and phrases we hear others use.
Sometimes those words have such resonance they burn themselves in your own vocabulary for life.
All of us sponges...for the different, the funny.....the pertinent.

In the late 90s I nursed a somewhat taciturn man for many months.
He was a formidable character, every inch a stereotypical policeman from say a 1970s tv drama...sli butch, unsmiling and ever slightly distant....think Valquez from Aliens and you'll get where I'm coming from.
He was difficult to engage and only seemed to perk up when he was visited by his police colleagues both male and women.
One  policeman that visited seemed to be more smiley and less frivolous than the other visitors and I suspected with my gaydar at full beep that they may have been closeted lovers.
One day, when the visitor was leaving, I noticed my patient murmur " S R A" almost under his breath and this three letter goodbye was noticeably used too as a greeting after several visitations .
A week or who later , when I was teaching the patient how to manage his own bladder I asked him if I could ask a personal question and given the intimacy of the situation he surprisingly agreed , albeit  gruffly.
"When your mate comes to visit ....what does SRA mean?"
I busied myself with preparing the nursing equipment as he looked at me squarely and after a long pause  he said carefully
" It means  a Sudden Rush of Affection!" 

A hidden code between lovers

Daddy's Knee

All three bitches have been playing the  " I want to sit on daddy's knee" game
For the past three hours!!!!
Newbie Dorothy seems to be winning! 


The first time Winnie arrived at Bwthyn y llan
She was shy and frightened and slid across the threshold on her stomach

Today Dorothy did the same , albeit a little bit quicker and carry a third the old girl's weight.
She's  a small and rather pretty 2 year old bulldog with an eager smile and a bounce in her step


I've got the post Sitges blues
John sent me a photograph of beach in full glorious sunshine today. The thunderstorms that dovetailed my departure all done and forgotten.
In a Spanish vein I made a basil, mozzarella, salmon and papaya open sandwich for breakfast as I caught up with The Archers 

But without the lull roar of the Mediterranean, breakfast wasn't quite the same.
Yesterday I caught up with things here.
Villager Elder Islwyn was giving the finishing touches to a dry stone wall as I walked up.  You can always recognise him as we always wears a foreign legion hat with a sun guard flap down the back when working on village outdoor projects.
Islwyn is one of the carers for a lady in the village who is presently in hospital. He and the other carers have looked after their charge better than any trained nurse could have done and I can understand him being at a loose end.
At the Community Association coffee morning I caught up with perhaps a dozen others.
Bridget from Well Street was drumming up support for a race night at the village Hall on the 9th of November which looks like fun.
I collected the dogs at 5pm last night. Winnie steamed out of the kennel block like a hippo running for water when she heard me and has spent the following 18 hours with her head touching at least one part of my body at all times. Mary was exhausted and insisted on sitting on my knee as I drove home.
Albert went head rub mad when they got home

The family is reunited

I'll post Dorothy photos later. She arrives this afternoon


The best thing of the 

Pink Throw & Snogs

I was pegging out my holiday underpants and other clothes to dry in the breeze of the first warm yet autumnal feeling day of the year when a cheerful neighbour twitted " You're a regular Shirley Valentine " from over the garden wall.
I laughed.... I hadn't thought of the last few days as a holiday romance interlude
But they had...obviously

All I thought was that I had spent much of the past four days talking flirting  and laughing , oh and snogging, an attractive guy also called John  who unexpectedly felt  the same about me.
How good is that?!
We talked about sad times, then happy times.then silly times.
We ate and drank too much and shared a sun lounger ( a feat in itself given my arse!) on which I had placed  a new beach throw, a pink striped purchased from one of the polite beach vendors
Who flagwave their thin blankets into the breeze before them, like peacocks fluttering their tails at passing peahens
Me....buying a new throw was yet another minor milestone in that long list of milestones I've chalked up over the last few months
The juvenile snogs that followed ticked the next dozen milestones!
I'd forgotten just how nice it was to be kissed properly

Scrambled Egg Down My Top

Last breakfast in the quietly chattering grand restaurant of the Santa Maria
We ate here last night
It was fun

Anyhow.... true to form Ive spilt scrambled egg down my last clean top this morning
The weather has heen perfect
Thunderstorms are sweeping down the coast after I leave.

Sex In Your Fifties

I recieved an email this morning from the hospice informing me that I am just about to be paid
There is something quite wonderful in knowing you can just about pay your own bills.
Things are a struggle.
My solicitor merely farts and there is a cost.
Mary is going to be spayed very soon and Ive only just paid off George's bills last month but at least Dorothy will not need any health checks and my overtime at the shite nursing home has paid for my present jaunt abroad and so I'm almost Square
But this first time in many years I have not got an overdraft too!!

I've not had to ask for the help of my family since my separation.
I've done it on my own and I'm proud of the fact.

I am smiling to myself as I type this and a loud American Queen at the next breakfast table has just shot me a " he looks a bit mad!" look.

I don't care....and I've let out a little chuckle..but I resist the urge to blow him a raspberry

I'm also feeling rejuvenated from my room's state of the art shower tower which pummels my naked torso with waterjets from at least five "nipples" dotted up and down its length
I pride myself at being able to work most intensive care ventilators but this shower tower has me beat.
I have no idea how or why it works

I just turn it on
Brace myself
And hope for the best

Very much like sex in your fifties I guess...

And with that thought dearhearts I will leave for another day.