This is me

I can't quite keep up with the emails tonight lol
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Prestatyn Flower Show

I'm running a little late....I'm on the gate of the Prestatyn Flower Show this afternoon, which is a surprisingly interesting job given the number of people who come through the doors.
My most favourite interaction was with a harridan of a woman who slammed down one 50p piece onto my table
" It's one pound fifty to come in !" I told her clearly, bracing myself 
" HOW MUCH?!!!!!!" the old bag shouted , trying clearly to intimidate me
"it's ONE POUND FIFTY TO COME IN!" I told her again, holding her gaze
The woman thumped 50p on the table again
Then said with a glint in her eye
" I only want to come in for 10 minutes!" 

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I wish


Despite being busy a niggly dark mood has stalked me for a few days now.
I'm shrugging it off with some positive moves.
Meeting Nigel yesterday certainly helped as , like so many old friends can do, we talked and remained silent in equal measures, quietly overlooking a river as we did both with ease.
We laughed silly things gay men a third our age would do

Today I've manned the gate at my sister's flower Show and later after tea with a friend I will bike ride along the Promenade again at the beach, as the temperature drops and the off shore breeze increases.
I bought an agapanthus today too
They bring a smile to your face
I'm going to have a load of them growing front and back in the cottage