
I'm home after two days of London in the sun
i could have stayed longer
When I got home and eventually settled
Mary, Winnie and Albert climbed onto the couch together with me in a mass of fur, scratching and in Winnie's case farting.
Now we are only 4


Fucking heaven
I have just spent 9£ on two luxury scotch eggs
Oh be still my beating heart

Star Turn

At 71 Stevie Nicks stole the show at the Fleetwood Mac concert at Wembley Statium yesterday
With her long ash hair, long black flowing dress and mysterious moves she more resembled Tolkien's Galdalf  than the rock chick that she was, but her voice thundered around the stadium like a train and the audience followed her every move with abject affection .
It was my very first mega concert and I was glad it was Fleetwood Mac that I saw instead of the Spice Girls who had lined just two nights before.
Mac was a class act.
We got back to our trendy hotel around midnight where we drank too much wine , talked and ate a ton of cheese. At 1am I was sat on the toilet in the glass box that was my bedroom bathroom with the electric drapes left open to the first story Covent Garden Street....
I was Humming to myself " Go you own wayyyyyyyy....go your own wayyyyyyyy......ayyyyy" 

Sunday Quiz

Ok the quiz is!
Im off to a concert
The person who guesses right who I am going to see and where
Gets a prize
The image isnt a clue btw
Someone sent it me saying I was 3rd from the left

Who IS James?

The nice thing about blogging in the public view is sometimes you receive some lovely gifts.
I count my huge box of international postcards in that category, all of which I am going to use as a "Wall of all nations" very soon, even though a close friend thought the whole exercise was all a bit creepy.
"Thousands of people know your address" he commented, shivering
"Just like the Queen!" I responded gayly

Today I got home after a set of night shifts to some post and an unexpected gift.
The post I could do without as It was a somewhat prudent bill for George's Euthanasia and cremation
(I would have buried him but the ground here has been too saturated to dig)

The gift, however, was quite lovely.
Balanced by the front door was a bunch of sunflowers and a homemade scotch egg wrapped in grease proof paper. An accompanying note, which was saturated into mush by the rain said simply
"I hope you enjoy...James"
I don't know any James'
I know a Jim (Jimbo) and a Jerry and that's about it!
No James' comes to mind at all

I asked a neighbour but they hadn't spotted any gorgeous Russell Crowe lookalike looking furtive amongst my honeysuckle last night but they shook their heads
"Perhaps James is an alias?" one of them ventured

The plot thickened.
and so did my fantasy

Perhaps I am doing James a disservice by imagining him as a floppy haired, beefy hunk-of spunk with a loyal black Labrador and a sense of self depreciating humour which would put Jo Brand to shame.
whatever the reality I want to thank him and others like Wendy and Alun, Naomi and Especially Brian for their kindnesses recently.
A kind thought goes a long way

and so could James to be sure
especially if he looks like Russell Crowe

It's Only Me!

"It's only me!"
How many times have we heard these few words on the other end of the phone or on our smart answerphones?
I wonder if is a typically English statement?
One that starts a conversation with almost an apology
Its only me...sorry for bothering you!
I use this greeting all of the time, as many of the people I know do.
It's only me ! Do you mind a chat?

But it's NOT only you...….is it?
It your investment in time and friendship and care
It's a positive and a kind word.
It's contact
It's important.

So next time you leave a message or call out a greeting
"It's Me!"
Don't say "It's ONLY me!"

Ta Muchly

Been busy today,
Just going to bed now as I am working the next couple of nights
Thank you all for your best wishes

"What's All This fuss about?"

George, Meg and William 
George died this morning
It was peaceful and calm and he was looking at me as if to say " what's all this stupid fuss about?" 

He had become very ill very quickly, it was something in his abdomen - a massive inflammatory reaction and what felt like a mass
The young vet was relieved when I agreed it was time for him to go.
I kissed George one too many times on the head and he moved away in typical Scotty style.
No fuss. No messing
Scotties hate it all.
It bothers them.

I asked if I could inject the anaesthetic so he could see me and the vet allowed me to although she still held the syringe and as he felt the oddness of the medication react, George let out a very faint " aroo!" 
Scotties aroo a great deal when puzzled.
A good AROO! can burst an eardrum

Always, last in the pecking order
Always last in the car
Always last on a walk
He never demanded a thing

I couldn't face going home after the vets, and so I went to Mostyn Gallery in Llandudno to look at the art......over coffee I recalled one single memory of this self contained little dog which was his obvious and oh so contagious joy at bedtimes when he alone was singled out from the others  and chased up the stairs by his Prof and master to bed.