No Go Aisle

I try not to walk down one aisle in our local Tesco
It depresses me too much.
It's the aisle where the discounted food is piled up and it is the place that at times there seems to be a genuine scrum for food at knock down prices.
Sometimes there seems to be a genuine tension in their air as people jostle and push past each other, and I am fairly certain that it is a more recent phenomenon given the fact people seem poorer today then they did.
Money is a worry to us all.
I still haven't been paid as yet and my first shift was September 28th.
William's Meds alone are 59£ a month and Bluebell has chugged down the petrol like a cheap whore in a bar since Mary had her surgery. Surgery that has to be paid for by now rising insurance premiums
It's a worry all of us have, I guess juggling balls and paying bills.
But most of us are lucky....I thought this today when I was in Tesco buying cheap cocktail sausages ( £3 for 70!!!!!-btw the cocktail sausage is the ideal shape in which to hide painkillers antibiotics and allergy meds)
I was in the aisle of discount madness when one of the staff brought her trolley full of cheaper goods to the fridge shelf . Before she had even started to arrange the food two women started to jostle each other to the best bits, and that jostle turned to raised voices and even more pushing.
How worried, or desperate or unhappy or just skint do you have to be to start a fight over a packet of cheap beef?

Ps. You may note that my Trump post of the other day has been removed. As it can so often be, it was hijacked by different agendas and by an unwanted visitor and the ill feeling generated isn't something I need this week. 

Police Stop

I was stopped by the police on the way home from Samaritans an hour or so ago
It was just past midnight and I took the roundabout at Rhuddlan a little too fast in Bluebell 
The policeman was polite and workmanlike and of course I passed the breathalyser
It's the second time I've been tested driving home from the centre
I told him I had been on duty at Samaritans  and we chatted briefly about the lack of take up of support given to the police after rather difficult  cases.
I suggested that Rhyl Sams could support the local police department better than the existing protocol and he said it was probably a good idea....but he stopped short by adding " What do you think of Rick being kidnapped by Jadis?" 
I frowned feeling a bit lost but he pointed to my chest
I was wearing my BEST. Walking Dead T Shirt.!!!
Well it was in fact my second best Walking Dead T Shirt


The Trump post as expected is dividing the troops.
So, I'm changing the subject, have lit the wood burner and put Mary on my knee.
She's a bit listless and needy
And is now asleep

Post Op Care

With a massive bloody hole in her ear and very groggy indeed mary arrived home feeling very sorry for herself. William and George gave her a perfunctory once over like most men do over a sick wife leaving Winnie to do the concerned-nurse-at-the-bedside thing. The old girl has a remarkably big heart for the underdog and is presently lying next to a fretting pup.
A few of Libby's cocktail sausages were accepted politely and I turned the lights down around the cottage as The Archers started so everyone could start to be quiet and rested.
Thanks to everyone for their best wishes, and to Marilyn for her doggie gift.

Silent Soldier

Cameron took a cracking photo of the war memorial last night

Auld Lang Syne

I managed to get to choir tonight.
I've missed a few practices.
We sang a lovely a Capella version of Auld Lang Syne and nailed it completely.
It's one of our  songs for the Christmas performance in The Eagle and Child pub.
It was quite lovely

At the end of choir practice we have a tradition to sing an alternate version of  Happy Birthday for any members who are celebrating that week and tonight Albert, our oldest chorister was 90. His daughter brought in a candle festooned cake as we turned off the lights and sang and I caught myself shedding a tear at Albert's obvious joy at all of the attention.
Jamie the choirmaster, I think noticed that I was moved and made a bee line for me as everyone said their goodbyes. He's just got married to his husband a few months ago and I think likes another gay bloke in the choir......however because of that I couldn't quite tell him that I wasn't quite ok, and disappeared as the reminents of the cake were handed out.

I did a talk to occupational health staff on Samaritans today which went well, I had forgotten how easy I find public speaking.....must be the showgirl in me......I've been " booked" for a few similar gigs from now on.......

Mary's op tomorrow ...

Caught in Sexy Time

One of my commentators reminded me of something yesterday.
It was that somewhat  strange moment that you catch someone unexpected having sex.

Some years ago now a psychotherapy colleague and I went to visit a spinal patient in his home in Nottinghamshire. The patient had experienced many problems post injury which included the loss of his job, home and marriage yet after a somewhat robust struggle had been set up in his own bungalow with a care package in place which included a daily team of carers and all of the latest gadgets available .
The patient had been a fairly high up clergyman before his accident and although he was sweet he could be incredibly pious at times.
Now one of the problems this guy had was a repetitive and often dangerous rise in his blood pressure. This needed Judicious use of a low release medication which was administered as a daily GTN patch to his inner thigh.
Anyhow, the physio and I drove down from Sheffield for a visit and after we rang his doorbell we were surprised there was no answer.
We waited and waited at the front door for an absolute age, and eventually a busty breathless twenty something carer came to the door with her hair all over the place
" Sorry I didn't hear the doorbell I was just giving {name} a wash " she gushed, showing us both into the living room and she missed the slightly amused look on both of our faces before she raced to get the patient from out of the bedroom.
She had no clue that there was a GTN patch stuck to the side of her face.......

Just a quick thank you to Blog reader Libby who turned up this morning for coffee and cake.
It was lovely to see you, and thank you for the gifts....too kind!
Hey ho

A Little Squirt

You get a bit sweaty on night shifts.... and in a fit of tiredness I'd forgotten my clinique ." HAPPY" !!!!...and so perspiring like Blanche duBois I looked around the office and staff loo to see if I could find an suitable nice smelling squirty.
In the office I located a somewhat exotic sounding lady spray called "orchid myst" and gave myself and my uniform a good seeing to.
It didnt smell too perfumed I thought moments later only to realise that orchid myst was exactly effing
mist for effing orchids!!!!
Pure nutrient solution, pest repellent, plant tonic and leaf conditioner ......for orchids !!!!!