
Can someone explain to me the facebook phenomenon of very attractive women who constantly think that it is interesting to take a photo of themselves more or less every day! 
Their hair is immaculate, the dress, invariably trendy, the eyes wide and made up and the lips.....well the lips are pushed out in a cupid's bow or suction plunger pout......every friggin day the same pose is posted to a group of adoring fans who simper and titter lines like " You're so pretty" or " adorable!" 
I guess if one is half arsed or indeed over awed by the beauty of the selfie at least you can click the "like " button to confirm that the pout is indeed something of note, but I just don't get it!
I was talking about all this with a girl from work the other week but instead of getting an explanation to this " selfie self promotion all she did was to say without any guile whatsoever
" Isn't that something you do everyday with your blog? Blogging is a selfie's for writers who love to be read"
The remark took me back just a little as in some way the girl was absolutely right. Isn't blogging just another way of saying " look at me I'm lovely" or perhaps more realistically " look at my writing, it's lovely- I'm too lumpy for a photo selfie"
Whatever the answer, I did smile at myself last night when I posted an uncharacteristic comment of " nice dress" beneath the hundreth photo of pouting red lips and cleavage as long as your arm.
I looked at what I had written.......and reminded myself that I do have a sense of  humour before adding " shame about the face"

Anyhow enough of all this. The Prof is presently lying on the couch in his best Blanche DuBois pose.
He is covered by a blanket and is indeed looking post viral and pale, but has managed to eat a small plate of sausage, mash and greens as well as a dainty portion of bread and butter pudding with custard. I'll light the fire shortly, bung him a cup of tea then I'll take the dogs out.
I'm typing this in the kitchen as he's watching some awful dating show where 30 screaming women are paraded in front of some overly trendy man in order to get a snog or a shag or fame or whatever, It has just come to me that most of these screaming harridans are just the type to post selfies everyday on facebook.....  But hey ho.....

What I wanted to watch is the celebrity Great British Bake Off  programme, you can't beat Mary Berry on a Sunday afternoon. I watched the first one the otherday and have to share with you all that I suddenly had a guilty man crush on the politician Ed Balls, who found himself struggling to cope with a mountain of sponge cake........Ed Balls! How strange is that!

Who is Your  guilty crush?
Answers on a postcard please...........
Mr Balls

Poorly Prof

The Prof returned from Norway minus one suitcase and with a tummy bug. Oh the joys of international travel. He wasn't himself last night, and sat quietly in his armchair with Mary licking his  bald spot.
The suitcase had a merry old time travelling on it's own to Sweden before it was returned to London then up to us this morning .Another feather in the cap of British airways.
I'm now on nurse duty.
Lunch on trays, regular drinks, brows mopped, temperatures taken.
I feel like Anna from Downton 
Hey ho

A Little Love

Feel a little love this weekend eh? Xxxxx

Politically Oh so not correct

This photo was shared with me on facebook the other day.

It was taken around 1983, when I was a student psychiatric nurse. The raven haired girl next to me is called Judith and she was a country girl from the Isle of Man.
At New Year, when all of the students were at home enjoying their families and friends, Judith was the only person left in the Nurse's home so at the last minute I invited for her to come home with me to Wales to join in with my friends' fancy dress pub crawl.
I rang my parents that a guest would be staying and told Judith to come up with a costume theme with literally a few minutes notice.
She found some boot polish and met me looking like this

Now my parents were probably beside themselves with the fact I was coming home with a WOMAN!  So probably bursting a gut, they sat on tenterhooks for us to arrive with a...." John's bringing a girl home"  being the only in town.
Imagine their faces when Hattie McDaniel walked through the door with a thick and playful African accent.
So good was Judith's make up that Both my father and mother initially thought that Judith was indeed black! And I remember delighting in my father's surprise and  nervousness when confronted by a buxom black mama in his very 1980s living room.
I was 21 before I met a person of colour
My father must have been 50 ( even though the person was was indeed a blacked up farmer's daughter from the Isle Of Man) different Prestatyn was in those small town days.

The Queen Of The Village

I know that I have a tendency to " big up" village characters like Aunty Glad on Going Gently, but there is a reason for that, and that is, She really is a special lady.
Very deaf and certainly registered blind, she sat quietly in her chair by the aga as the discussions over the finer points of " what is a tart and what is a pie" became louder and louder.
Heulwen, for the most part sat with her, informing her of the finer points of the committee decisions, and it was she that took a helping role when Gladys started to make tea. The large kettle of boiling water and a 96 year old blind lady don't always mix well, but between them the teas were handed out. Cups and saucers for the ladies and mugs for the men.
Gladys as always, handed out buttered scones for all.
The meeting lasted almost two hours, and for most of that Gladys again sat in her own chair. She laughed loud and strong when the group photographs were taken and when each committee member thanked her for her hospitality when they were leaving, she trilled out a merry " Don't thank me ..thank the lord!" 
Flower Show Matriarch Irene and animal helper Pat were the last to leave, as they were doing the washing up. I was collecting my papers and schedules and Gladys flittered around us rearranging the chairs around the kitchen table.
Nearly blind and very deaf , she clapped her hands like a schoolgirl
" oooohhh I have enjoyed this evening " she cooed
That is part of her immense charm

The Flower Show Marches On

The bun fight which is the Trelawnyd Flower Show committee meeting took place around Auntie Glad's kitchen table this evening. It's like supper time at the Walton's house with everyone talking at once.....and by the time of leaving, my head is ringing with the frenetic good natured banter of it all.

Most of the Trelawnyd Village Flower Committee tonight
The next show is on August 6th.
(Right to left), matriarch Irene, Terry, Mierion ,Daphne, Heulwen, Derek, Julie ( cookery judge) , sailor John and Pat my " animal helper"
Gladys is centre 

Valentine's & Amateur Dentistry

Miss Norm please take note
after hours of design work, artistic endeavor and blood sweat and tears
The Prof's Valentine gift has been finished.
And even though I say so myself,

I finished it this morning after a somewhat unsettled sleep
as I was woken around 4.30 am by the " chunnering " of an upset 
bulldog. When I sleepily got to the kitchen, I was confronted by 
a wide eyed Winnie standing with her mouth open .
She clearly wanted me to check inside her mouth.
Minutes later I had donned my trusty head torch and spied one of her baby teeth
hanging half out of its socket and with a twist popped it out of her gum.
Old dogs! The Prof had to do something similar with George a couple of weeks ago.
but , I suspect his patient wasn't as accommodating 

Satisfied that all now was well, Winnie blew me a kiss and 
stalked off to sleep on the couch. 
She's still there as I type this

Sleeping her toothless sleep 

Bridge Of Spies

A work in progress

I painted the base coat of the Prof's Valentine cat food tin/ desk tidy and went to the cinema as it was drying on the sideboard.
I went to see a one off showing of Spielberg's Bridge Of Spies
I knew the movie would be worthy, after all everyone involved has a pedigree as long as your arm , but I wasn't prepared just how good a story it is and I was very grateful that I had no knowledge whatsoever of the "true"story that the film was based upon.
At the height of the cold war New York lawyer James Donovan ( Tom Hanks) reluctantly accepts to defend Rudolph Abel (Mark Rylance) who has been arrested on charges of being a KGB spy. Although the trial leads to Abel being imprisoned for life , the sudden capture of an American espionage pilot by Russian forces and the imprisonment of an American student in East Berlin, means that Donovan's negotiating skills are brought into play to forge an exchange in a wintry and divided Germany.

Rylance ( centre) and Hanks

Hummm, it sounds good, and believe me it is good with the ageing Hanks playing the cold war Jimmy Stewart role that Stewart should always have been offered. He is , quite simply marvellous as the measured , quick thinking and decent Donovan . Wisely, Spielberg pairs the warmth of Hanks with a wonderfully ambiguous and unreadable character of Abel. Their pairing has an electricity reminiscent of Hopkins and Foster in Silence of the Lambs.
Rylance's performace here is a masterclass of underplaying and with the faintest glimpse of a smile
and an almost reptilian glace he walks the very difficult line between slightly doddery invisable eccentric and a calculating and fiercely loyal Russian agent. When the pair are separated for film's second half East Berlin scenes , I bet the rest of the audience was rooting for their reunion, as much as I was.

Spielberg touches abound in this movie. A terribly upsetting machine gunning of five East German escapees in no man's land as seen by the passenges of a passing train, the savage beauty of a snow covered and decaying Berlin, the breathtaking shooting down of the American spy jet over Russia are just three set pieces that linger long in the mind.
The master is oh so back on form with Bridge Of Spies