Les Liaisons dangereuses

" bosoms" McTeer

Last night we took my Aunt Judy to see the live screening of the National Theatre's " Les Liaisons Dangereuses" 
It was bloody great. 
Now whilst Dominic West ( a favourite actor of mine) was excellent as the  Vicomte de Valmont the whole shebang was dominated by Janet McTeer's clever and scheming  performance as the Marquise.
Undeniably sexy and in her mid fifties McTeer underlined perfectly, the power and the attraction of a woman who "would never be ordered around by a man" in a man's world.....  She was magnificent 
Judy and The Prof loved it......
And even though I say it myself
The bosoms were magnificent !!!

Like Loreal " it's worth it"

Message to self
Don't put off dirty jobs just  because you are tired and want to go to bed
Dealing with the now hardened pile of cat puke behind the sofa ( and all down the bleeding radiator ) was the nastiest chore, I have had the misfortune to deal with since Meg rolled gleefully inside a dead badger.
It's just one of the never ending chain of jobs that pile up ( literally) in these dirty wet days of winter and the cottage became very VERY quiet after a lusty and frustrated bout of swearing,
WHEN I eventually  stormed back into the kitchen ( clutching a bin bag full of sick), I was greeted by a butter-wouldn't melt sight of the two bitches in my life sitting quietly together like well behaved school girls.

You've just gotta love em 

Cat Puke

Just after midnight , and I am off to bed soon.
George , like I said lost a tooth today, and feels sorry for himself,
 Winnie is just finishing her season and is still " spotting" on the carpets
Mary is still leaving the odd pee stain in the cottage
And William backed into the bookcase the other night , and left 
a stool on my copy of Halliwells film guide...
2 minutes ago
 Albert has walked right up to the tv
Coughed loudly
And threw up BIG STYLE over the back and down the side of the sofa
I noted a rodent tail and a back leg in the offering

Dogs from all over the house arrived to eat the spoils
And I was left thinking my usual thought
" these animals will be the death of me" 
Hey ho


I wondered what the bright star was on the other side of the bright moon
when I was on the way home this evening
Thanks to village  night sky boffin Dave S 
Who shared this photo of the Moon AND JUPITER
How fantastic is that?

On a micro level, George lost his canine tooth today,
His attack on Mary seems to have had a disastrous effect on old teeth


 is what Blogger says :
Dear bloggers, 
As we mentioned some weeks ago, starting this week, we’ll remove the ability for people with Twitter, Yahoo, Orkut or other OpenId providers to sign in to Google Friend Connect and follow blogs. To follow a blog via Google Friend Connect now, readers will need a Google Account (the same they use for Gmail or YouTube). There will be no need for readers to be signed in, or to have a Google+ profile. 
What does this mean for you and your blog? We’ll remove non-Google Account profiles so you may see a decrease in your blog follower count
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We know how important followers are to all bloggers, but we believe this change will improve the experience for both you and your readers !!!!!!!

Turn Your Face To The Moonlight....let your memory lead you

The weather has been atrocious today, and even Winnie , who loves her morning hike around the village took one look at the driving rain and gave me one of her " you've got to be fucking kidding" looks.
The only person I spoke to when out was a mom who had previously shared with me the fact that her young daughter had been rocking herself to sleep at night.
" It's a sign of damaged childhood " she had ventured with a worried look.
I didn't tell her that  I had rocked myself to sleep for years when we were small children.
I wonder what a modern psychologist would have made of all that then.
I just can't remember the fact all too well.

My memory, or more importantly my lack of it , does trouble me somewhat for great swathes of my early childhood memories never seem to ever surface even though on many a dog walk, I try so very hard to recall days gone by.
Is this normal?
I hardly remember anything of my first decade on this planet. A vague recollection of model airplanes hanging from the ceiling of my brother's bedroom, a sense of me and my sister walking a small terrier on the pavement outside our house , being frightened of a low flying jet after a summer bedtime.
It's not much for ten years of life is it not?

This morning after retiring back to bed after a 6.00 am puppy walk, I dreamt of my grandparents' living room circa 1972.
I remembered it all, the teak effect electric fire surround. The cheap plastic clock on the mantle. Plastic flowers in a wartime wall holder .The pristine white net curtains. The heavy swirling carpet and the shepherd and lamb cushions of the hardwood upright armchairs. The small oblong child's stool with it's blue plastic padded seat.
Oh and standing either side of the clock were two deer figures. Both must have had accidents as their antlers were  short and filled down.

Squiffy On A Weekday

This afternoon I drove over to the Prof's university to help organise his new office. 
Of course  all I wanted to do was to personalise the academic feel of the place , which in fact, only took 10 minutes or so......
the Prof likes a somewhat ' austere" look.

Afterwards we went to Osborne House in Llandudno for tea ( we had our wedding supper there)......after a very passable starter of salt and pepper squid, calfs' liver for mains and three large glasses of white, Things seemed rather nice with the world. 

Me thinks I need an early night

The chandelier in the main Osborne house bar


Sometimes an underdog lets rip.
Usually you can see such events on youtube.
Tonight, just before the start of the re run of The Walking Dead, underdog Scottish terrier, George
( the dog who has been last in the house pecking order all of his life ( and this includes the chickens, geese, sheep and pigs) finally asserted himself over the Mad- as- a- badger Mary during one of her " I'm going to rip your collar from around your neck" moments.
Mary had it coming.
For weeks she has ripped Winnie's cheeks without a murmur from the old bulldog and everyday William has put up with multiple nips and bites during some over the top horseplay, so tonight she pushed things too far and grabbed a mouthful of his Australian bandanna as he was minding his own business in the spare arm chair.
Nine year old George , with the lightening speed of a two year old, bounced off his chair and in a couple of seconds seriously kicked some Welsh Terrier puppy arse.
Mary wisely pretended to be dead as he effectively head butted her into the carpet.

Smiling I called him over to the sofa where he was ceremoniously lifted to top dog position, above Winnie, above William and above an astonished and now sulking Mary .........
He is there right now, smiling gently to himself as he sleeps the sleep of the just.
For once in his life George knows he's a hero

My favourite photo of George......a black dot flying above the beach

Everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end.

I've always thought that Margo Channing is a magnificent film character. Waspish, loyal, wise-cracking, vulnerable, petulent and totally believable this diva played with gleeful gusto by Bette Davis has always been my hero.

Who is your cinematic hero?
And why?

It's a blustery , no news day here in Trelawnyd.....time for a bit of frivolity me thinks.