Squiffy On A Weekday

This afternoon I drove over to the Prof's university to help organise his new office. 
Of course  all I wanted to do was to personalise the academic feel of the place , which in fact, only took 10 minutes or so......
the Prof likes a somewhat ' austere" look.

Afterwards we went to Osborne House in Llandudno for tea ( we had our wedding supper there)......after a very passable starter of salt and pepper squid, calfs' liver for mains and three large glasses of white, Things seemed rather nice with the world. 

Me thinks I need an early night

The chandelier in the main Osborne house bar


  1. I bet The Prof gets plenty of somewhat austere looks from Winnie and the gang.

  2. And on a school night too you old devil!

  3. Sounds like a delightful outing.

  4. Totally jealous, we've not been since before Christmas. I love the chandeliers, and the candle sconces and HUGE mirrors :-)

    1. It was empty tonight too sue....we shall have to meet up one night

    2. It was pretty empty last time we went to ... they obviously need our support, so yes ... we must meet up there soon ;-)

  5. That sounds very classy..love your work!

  6. I get squiffy every week night. But I am old enough to do what I want and not care. Wish we had a chandelier like that tho.

  7. At first I thought the chandelier was for the prof's new office; austerity has a new look. ;-)

    1. A tad too gay for a welsh university me thinks

    2. Gosh that is what I thought Wilma. So beautiful.
      Happy that you had a nice dinner out with the Professor.

      cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  8. You can't beat a sparkly chandelier and three glasses of wine with your loved one on a Tuesday afternoon can you John ? XXXX

  9. Sounds like a great night , hic.....

  10. Oh, there are way too few chandeliers and Tuesday afternoon dates in my life.

  11. It all sounds grand. I am like the Prof, I think, in preferring an austere look. In our new apartment, you can barely pick your way through Tom's room (which is the master bedroom) for all the stuff he has in there. My smaller room has a bed, two lamps, a sculpture stand with an angel on it and a perch for the cats so they can peer out the window.

    Although a chandelier like that would add a nice note.

  12. perfect. Nothing like squiffiness midweek. Loved you "dump" comment on a blog yesterday with the two squatting children. Class!

  13. And another thing and.I blame you for this.....
    I just popped over to another blog, baking, cookery and homemaking all very nice. Mary Berry, Delia style and the post was about sorting jars and things in cupboards. Well, I always put treacle and Bovril in the cupboard and was just about to mention how I am always cleaning "sticky rings"but got a flash of you in my head and just couldn't type it! You are a bad man John Gray but I luv ya!

  14. Oh, how nice ! Some things, that can be quite ordinary, become so special just depending on when you do them .. Very nice getting a little numb on a week day :)

  15. It's not that long until your first anniversary. Perhaps you should go again!

  16. Anonymous11:58 pm

    Oh I do like that chandelier.

  17. Do you really call your evening meal "tea" or are you just being quaint? I thought it was just a working class usage.

    1. Anonymous11:52 am

      The evening meal is often called 'tea' in the northern half of Britain.
      As for it being used just by the working classes......rubbish!

  18. I do like that chandelier!

  19. Three glasses and I'm dancing from the chandeliers. Cheers to a great tea.

  20. That is an interesting choice of food ... not many folks I know would voluntarily choose squid and liver! But I trust the chef knew what he/she was doing. Lovely to get out on a weekday. Or any day, for some of us :)

    1. Anonymous11:53 am

      Eeughhh to squid, but calves liver, yes please.....delicious!

  21. Hope you went home and helped yourself to some 'afters'.

  22. Tea last night for me. I'm feeling all virtuous. Drinkies on a 'school night' is sometimes a reality though and rather fun! x

  23. I love that chandelier, while also being very glad I'm not the one that has to keep it sparkling clean.

  24. Anonymous7:14 am

    Good food, good wine, good company.... what's not to like? Fill yer boots, lad :-)

  25. Now there's a chandelier worthy of hanging from! it's beautiful.

  26. Funny how that warm wine glow rings that all is well bell, even if all may not be well. A pleasant warmth, chandelier or single dangling bare bulb.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. A nice little outing for you and the Prof; I'd love to know what you did to 'personalise' his office. Scatter a handful of dog-hair on the carpet? Spray some 'eau de dog' around? No-one else has mentioned it, but I was concerned about you driving home through the wind and rain having consumed those giddy-making glasses of wine.

  29. We don't go out very often but when we do, wine glasses are the size of goldfish bowls! Not your fault, blame the size of the wine glasses!

  30. A bit of squiffiness never hurt anyone. Glad you guy's had a nice evening.

  31. Agree with Jacqueline - where were the afters? I just can't imagine you doing without a pud even though the first two courses sound delicious.

  32. Well, the location, the company, and the wine at least all sound good to me.

  33. what a wonderful evening! i wonder who cleans those chandeliers. mine are filthy.

  34. Lovely chandelier! I think 3 glasses of anything would be a fun time! Slainte!

  35. Sounds like a very successful afternoon

  36. I am sure the Prof was glad you spiffed up his office before you had the three large glasses of white.


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