It's a nothing much happened day
So far it is.
The field has been strimmed of all of its ground cover
And a portable radio has been positioned next to the old pig house
Welsh talk radio is the channel of choice
Foxes don't like human voices.
Auntie Gladys is her summer dress has tied a bag of scones to the front door
And my neighbours bought me a flowering houseplant from the garden centre as a gift
They said I looked a bit glum.
Meirion Ellis buzzed the lane in his new electric buggy
"It can do 8 miles an hour!" He announced proudly then added
" I've already gone to Llanasa and back on it"
I tell him that's faster than the old berlingo
It's warm and sunny and the dogs, on sentry duty,
get head rubbed by Albert as they try and fall asleep.
We have lunch outside with a tablecloth!
After which gentleman farmer Ralph stops by with some useful advice
I do some shopping for Trevor who is still a bit shaky after is recent knee replacement
He has a thing for custard tarts
I have got sunburned
yes it's a nothing much happened day today