Costa Allotta

It's a cold dank day today, as my brief "bosoms II" video will testify to
A day which you sometimes just want to sit with a grand cup of coffee and watch the weather.
Now North Wales is a pretty place but it does have it's drawbacks, and one of those. drawbacks is that you cannot buy a good cup of coffee unless you drive at least ten miles or so from Trelawnyd
I am not really a fan of coffee chains, but only a mile and a half away a new costa coffee shop has opened in the new Prestatyn Shopping Centre....!
A shopping centre which may well save the fortunes of a dying seaside town.
When I was a boy, Prestatyn was a thriving retail centre, with every shop in the high street occupied and busy.Over the past few years well over a third of the shops have now closed and the once proud High Street has taken over the mantle of a charity shop Mecca.
Today, Marks and Spencer, Tesco and other " chain" shops are opening in an area of regeneration right in the centre of the town, and even though its not a collection of independent shops, it will, I am sure bring people back into a town which is desperate for an injection of hope and financial support.

I will be doing my bit today
I am going to order my own costa allotta!
Which reminds me

could I tempt You?

You can tell spring is but a knat's crotchet away from Us.
The weather remains cold but there is hope in the air
The new warrens, and the Crackhead whores are banging out the eggs like there is no tomorrow, so much so, that a small mountain of eggs have grown in the kitchen like Richard Dreyfus's Devil's Tower in Close Encounters
I have had an idea though. From this week I will start to seek out village volunteer bakers for my OPEN ALLOTMENT DAY on the 1st of September and will offer them some free eggs in turn for providing me with some cakes and produce for the cake stall.
Ok it's all just bit of eggy blackmail
So locals beware of a scruffy bastard bearing gifts

Waiting For His Day

George (left) wanting to play
sometimes George has the capacity to break your heart.
He's a sweet little soul, that much is undeniable, but when the two Welsh terriers roughhouse together, he is always over looked by them, like the fat kid always was before the fit kids chose their own teams for games
For years Meg and William have chased and played and fought together like puppies and for years George has stood all eager and hopeful on the sidelines desperate to be able to join in and never quite obtaining the permission to do so.
Such are the odd rules of the home pack.
From the second George arrived he has never ever been promoted from the lowest rung of the pecking order ladder ...which must be a huge bummer as even the hens have a higher status and more confidence than he has.
He cannot be fed before the others, he seldom is allowed to sit on your knee without being turfed off by the alphas and even when he lines up to have his lead attached, he has to wait until the others go first.

If Bwthyn-y- llan. was Downton Abbey....unfortunately George would be lumpy old Daisy, the scullery maid.

Going With The Flow

Apologies but I have just deleted the text from this post by accident. Suffice to say that Islwyn, the chap that has taken over as foreman to the construction of the new allotment beds has flexed his organisational skill muscles this morning and with a small gaggle of volunteer helpers has constructed a rudimentary new vegetable bed, a temporary fence to keep the livestock away from the growing plants and a new gate..! I was not expecting anything so drastic to happen in the couple of hours I was out delivering eggs and walking the dogs
Who says the British workman is shy of a bit of hard graft?
The son of the RFWF, showing his father's characteristic good nature, called down to help, and even when the whole affair looked a little too much, it is still easy to realise just what a positive bonus a hen free allotment will be.
I must say a big thank you not only to Islwyn and his helpers today , but also to the farmer at Ty Newydd farm who kindly sorted out many of the materials used by the workers.
I still feel somewhat weak and washed out ,so I have tried to keep out of everyone's way which is hard for a control freak,I can tell you.
I have just tried to go with the flow.
Islwyn, Chris and Islwyn's brother ( the son of the RFWF is in his digger in e background)

Sod's Law

Now I have promised myself not to blog again about feeling poorly.
The whole of last week has been a total waste of time because of the soddin flu
However I am happy to report that
My temperature broke around 1 pm in the afternoon and for the first time since last Sunday my headache and eye ache disappeared.
At 6pm, although weak, I found myself hoping things were truly on the mend...
And by 6.20 pm....and you've guessed it.
I started with the shits.
Ho ho ho

This video is Georgia's entry in the Eurovision Song Contest
My friend Nige sent it me, in an effort to cheer me up...
It worked
I kind of like it.....I wonder what shite the Uk will be entering?

I am a bed slug

The uninspiring view from the sick bed

I am trying to concentrate on nicer things

"Nurse..the screens!"

I know I am not a very good patient.
I am like an animal when unwell, in so much as I just want to hide away from everyone.
The flu seems to be lingering ( in actual fact the symptoms only started on Sunday night) and I am finding the constant temperature and headache rather debilitating, especially as Chris is away
I know....I know.
I am just feeling sorry for myself.
Especially as I have just experienced a rather florid dream where I saw myself eaten by my dogs after collapsing on the toilet...!
People have been very sweet, even though I have remained noticeably reclusive. Next door neighbour Mandy asked if I wanted her to lock the birds up for me. A sweet request seeing that she is pathologically frightened of birds. Another neighbour took the dogs off my hands for an hour yesterday and Islwyn called last night with some cough sweets and linctus.... So my fear of being devoured by some unkempt Welsh terriers does seem a faraway fear at the moment.
The ever practical Auntie Gladys walked all the way down to the cottage from High Street and tied a bad of healing warm scones on the front door knob.I was not well enough to go to the Flower Show Meeting on Wednesday and she was worried......
I must be a real pussy
one of the youngest on the committee floored by a bloody virus.

Marie Curie

In between dog walking and animal jobs, I have spent most of my day wrapped up watching TV
it's driven me a little batty because the weather has been so lovely
But I still have a temperature and a headache that could flatten an elephant
The above advert for Marie Curie Nurse charity has been playing all week
And it's a powerful and moving little piece of cinema.
Marie Curie will be the charity that will benefit from our open day this year