The mellow nostalgic melancholy of yesterday is still lurking there.
The weather has a lot to do with it,
It remains wet and dull and grey this morning.
I thought that this photo would lighten the gloom
I have just remembered that Albert was up on the kitchen table earlier, licking the butter off the butter knife when I was leaving the house at dawn to take Chris down for the train.
I have just used the knife without thinking to butter my bagel.
It'll do my immunity some good.
Last week a chap from across the valley dropped off five point of lay warrens for me.
Earlier in the year we fell into a conversation about my runners, and as a favour I gave him a load of duck eggs over a month or so period. He offered to pay for them but I refused saying
"You do me a favour sometime"
A week or so ago I saw his wife at the feed shop. We chatted about this and that and I mentioned to her that my egg production was dire.
A few days later he dropped off five new laying warrens for me
"Just returning the favour" he said kindly.
Earlier in the week another chance meeting allowed someone I know having a good moan to me about their lot . It was something and nothing really, a case of the right person at the right time.
But the following day a couple of jars of jam was left on the doorstep.
"a small thank you for listening"
Unnecessary but rather sweet....
and yet again the RFWF has just dropped off another huge bag of wood shavings at the field gate. The hens will sleep snugly tonight.......
When the weather is dire, muddy dog paw prints have covered the only clean bit of floor in the kitchen yet again and the cat has been licking your butter knife with a gob covered with mouse body parts...its nice to think that some good deeds come home to roost
Have a nice Weekend